Wednesday, October 21, 2009

prayer request

Hello everyone! Tomorrow I'll be going to a retreat for CTS (the seminary school that Pastor Daniel is involved in). The short term missionaries and I will be running the programs for the children, so please pray for us. Also, please pray for the staff of CTS and the students and their families that will be attending the retreat. The theme is Spirit filled servants, so please pray that God spirit will be with us and refresh the few faithful Christians in Chiang Mai.

Lots of love :)
- Grace


  1. Hello Grace!
    My name is Joel Kang and i'm one of the members in the STEM Thailand 2010 team.

    We actually got back today and during the whole month-long trip in Thailand, i wanted to read your entries because our teammates said a lot about them but never got the time.
    so i read them today and you dont know how much of a blessing it was.

    as i read through your entries from day one, i was able to really relate to a lot of things like to your first encounters with P'Up and P'Mem and like some of the struggles you faced with temporary feelings. i was able to relate to the packed schedules and the concept of flexibility.

    Hey! i recognize some of the kids from Khanta. haha we have crazy stories about that school.

    its so weird. i only saw you once during intensives but it feels like i've know you for awhile. i think its cuz our teammates talked a lot about you and honestly i was really motivated and encouraged during the trip as i saw your fruits and your footsteps in the schools we went to. you should make some time for our team and we should talk about our experiences and stuff. :]
