Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's been a while

( I'm going to treat these like e-mails)
Hello everyone!!!! I just want to apologize for not blogging! I know I'm bad, so from now on I will really try to get on it. Oh, and if I don't you can start sending warning (not hate mail :) ) e-mails my way.

Today was my first day teaching alone at a school. To be honest I had many doubts about my ability to teach or let alone control the class. Donna and the Thailand team did such a great job that I figured coming alone to the schools would be a downgrade for the kids. But, God has been faithful thus far, so I just placed my worries at His feet. It's funny how the simple act of laying something down in front of Jesus or letting things go is really the answer to all life's "what ifs."
Anyway, today went really really great. I took a guitar today and played It's a great thing, words go like this : It's a great thing to praise the Lord (3x) walking in the light of the Lord. It's like a game/song and the kids loved it. However, there's a boy named Game (Donna the moody but smart one) that never wants to participate and he didn't sing let alone smile during the whole class. Game is extremely good at English, he's phenomenal for his age, but he has emotional issues. Ahjan Yawalak ( the English teacher at Kantanusoon) told me that he got into an accident in 2nd grade and completely changed for the worse. She also told me that his parents were divorced and that he lived with his alcoholic father. Oddly, I felt God telling me that Game would like to learn guitar. Ahjan Yawalak thought it was a great idea and sent him over. Game walked in with that gangster/frowning face of his and Ahjan Yawalak told him if he wanted to learn the guitar from me, and ( I wish you guys were there) his face just lit up. I taught him E, Em, and A2 for only 5-10 minutes and I really think he's a natural.

I don't know if the team remembers Big (Donna, he's the boy in 6th grade that is good at English too) but Ahjan Yawalak told me that he was a problem child, but she invested her time and love into him and now he is seriously like an angel. He has such a passion to learn and is truly like a gentleman. I pray that the same thing would happen to Game, that he would one day praise God and live with joy.

Lastly, I was encouraged by the 6th grade class because they stayed in for a good 20 minutes through their lunch time finishing up a worksheet and working on their phonics even when I told them to Bye kin cow (go eat lunch)!. Then, while I was teaching a student, the rest of the kids turn on our VBS songs and started to sing Nothing and Treasure quest! Crossway team, it looks like you guys made a lasting impression :) Seriously they did all the body worship by themselves as I sat and watched. I just thank God every day that He has led me to Thailand. It's a blessing to be able to sing praise songs with the kids and create relationships with the teachers.

Also, God has been allowing me to experience different ministries and age groups on this trip. Last week I was able to spend a lot of time with Ban Joy students and staff (The Grace Fellowship church near Chiang Mai University). Also, today I will go to YFC (Youth for Christ) and have fellowship with college aged brothers and sisters.

Oh and yesterday I went to CTS and learned about Romans, I love the book but Yak mak mak ka!

Ok I love you guys and miss you guys like crazy!!!!! you don't even know.

Prayer requests:
1) Ahjan Yawalak- I will be learning Thai from her, please pray she will accept the gospel
2) Game
3) James and Boy (monks at the temple)
4) for the ministries in Sankampaeng, Hang Dong, and Chiang Mai


  1. cool. I be praying. Thanks for the update

  2. the stuff you're doing sounds fun! i wish i could be in thailand...

  3. Wow. Your testimony is so encouraging! Those kids are in very good hands (yours). Stay positive Gracie! =)
