Wednesday, October 21, 2009

prayer request

Hello everyone! Tomorrow I'll be going to a retreat for CTS (the seminary school that Pastor Daniel is involved in). The short term missionaries and I will be running the programs for the children, so please pray for us. Also, please pray for the staff of CTS and the students and their families that will be attending the retreat. The theme is Spirit filled servants, so please pray that God spirit will be with us and refresh the few faithful Christians in Chiang Mai.

Lots of love :)
- Grace

Thursday, October 8, 2009

phone number with country code

hello the country code is 53 (082-036-3431)

actually i think its 66 (802-036-3431)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Night safari and festival

Hello Everyone :)

So praise God and thanks for all you're prayers about the Night Safari (day time) trip. The turn out was a lot more than expected, 46 kids, and it was seriously a blast. We had three stations: bible station, bible memory verse, and song station. It was great because we got to teach them John 3:16 (thanks Pauline for the song) in Thai. What's more is that the kids from the Temple got to learn about the bible and Adam and Eve :). After our activities, it started to rain, but we prayed and it went away :). The Night (day) Safari was cool because we got to see the animals really close, as opposed to America zoo's where you sometimes can't find the animals. But, these animals only get a tiny plot of land, and I heard that a lot of the animals are dying off because of unsuitable habitats :(. It's so sad...

Oh and on Friday I cooked at Ban Noy school for the teacher, but I BURNT the soup. How do you do that you say? well let me tell you. First, you should have no clue how to work the stove. The pot/kettle was made out of thin metal, and I didn't know how to control the fire. The stove was, well nothing like in the states, so I didn't know the soup was burning. And God bless Thai people, cuz they ate it all. Well, it was eatable but not as good as it should have been. I was pretty sad/embarrassed, but the situation was really funny, so I couldn't help but laugh at myself and half sorrowfully/happily watch the teachers eat the soup.

I got to go to the Sankampaeng hot springs with the students from Kantanusoon!

I wasn't allowed to swim with the kids, so I was on life guard duty :)
cutie cuties

God gave me an opportunity to go to a Buddhist festival to watch my students play music for donations. I watched them play their stringed instrument, along with their wooden flutes and drums. Basically, I picked up the children at 8am and watched them play until 2pm. They were so cute and they did so well :) I felt so bad that they weren't allowed a proper break so I bought them some squid sticks (fyi: children in Thailand love squid sticks, they're magic). Oh and I met James and Boy there too! (the monks from Temple I teach).

The festival is normally held once every 5 or 10 years for each temple, so I was lucky to have gone. Basically the Thai people bring money and materials to the temple to give to the monks. Since the monks cannot buy their own materials, the Thai people buy it for them. Also, there is a time to give rice to the poor, which would earn the Thai people great merit.

A man preforming a ritual to the spirit of the heavens for the rain to stop.

Thai people giving rice to the poor, in which they believe they will receive great merit.

Gifts that were given to the monks. Some had simple toiletries hanging on them.

My main purpose for being there was just to pray. As I walked around the temple, and looked at all the people that were faithfully serving their lost ways, God placed an indescribable sadness into my heart. There were so many people, so many, and all were lost.
My memory verse the day before was
Psalms 135 v14-18
"The Lord will vindicate His people, and have compassion on his servants. The idols of the nations are sliver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see, ears but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them become like them, so do who trusts in them!"

What does that mean then? That would mean that everyone there were like the idols, having ears, but not truly being able to hear. This implies that they are like dead spirits, walking toward the wrong path without knowing it. Then I kept thinking what do we do as Christians? what do we do?
I prayed, but not enough. I prayed for the people to be relieved from the clutches of Satan. I prayed for special protection over my students, who were consistently surrounded by false hope, to be delivered from evil.

So to the question, what to do? I don't know. As a Christian, there is nothing I can do but pray, for it is only God who changes the hearts of man. But one thing we can do. As Paul states, how will people know about Christ if they do not hear? And how would they hear if no one is sent.

Here in Thailand, I have the opportunity to talk to people who don't know God. But, that isn't much different from America. We have tons of opportunities, tons, and I don't think that we actually look with our spiritual eyes at the amount of people that are truly lost.

The teachers at Ban noy told me they believed in the river goddess(spirit), the tree spirit, and many other spirits. So, they basically trust in the created. All i could think of is that song "lead me to the cross," cuz that's what we are meant to do. Be vessels to lead people to the Cross.

Recently, a friend asked why I thought God brought me to Thailand. To be honest, I know that God has not sent me here to learn how to struggle and gain patience and all that. I felt from beginning of the trip, God asking me "do you love me?"

like Jesus asking Peter "do you love me?"

and our obvious answer is yes, but I can't seem to really do what He then asks me (Peter) to do
"then feed my lambs"
"tend my sheep"
"feed my sheep"
"follow me..."

Today, I went to Ahjan Yawalak's house and brought her Korean curry. I thought, yah I'll be the light, but when i was there I was at times distracted by the TV, and felt like I didn't say all the things I should have said. After dinner, she told me that I was a sweet and kind girl. ... And I felt compelled to say"no its not me, its because of Christ" but I didn't. Was it the spirit telling me to tell her? I have no idea. But, I knew the truth inside me heart and I failed to say it. When I leave Thailand and all the teachers and the children can say is "grace was a kind girl," then all I have done here was in vain. If I don't show Christ, ... I think that's my biggest fear, a fear that could only be overcome through prayer.

The thing is, I have told her about Christ, and how Jesus has changed my life. I can tell people all I want about Christ, but in the end it is God that brings about change. I realized the only thing I can do is pray.

Please pray for me. My requests:
1) to pray
2) to have compassion on God's people, real compassion, real love.
3) to be able to love Christ, enough to tend his sheep, to feed his lambs, to follow him.

Not to us, O Lord , not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Palms 115:1

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Update and a prayer request

Hello everyone! Before I begin I just wanted to encourage some of you to read this sermon by John Piper entitled The Love of Human Praise as a Root of Unbelief. Here is the link The sermon just so happens to connect with my previous blog.

Anyway, I just had a prayer requests for an upcoming event here in Sankampaeng.

This Sunday, children from the temple and from our house church will be going to the Night Safari (in the day). God has given us this opportunity to openly share about His love to the children from the temple. We will teach the story of Adam and Eve, and introduce them to the idea that a right choice can lead to life. We will also teach them the John 3:16 song, so please pray that the lyrics (when translated) will have a lasting impact on them. Pi Up, Pi Mem, Pi Aop, and I will be leading the program, so please pray for energy and direction. Also, please pray for the children's safety, and most importantly for their hearts to be open to the gospel. I know the children will have a great time, but more than enjoying the day please pray that God stirs within their hearts and raises them up to be great men and women for His kingdom.

God is so awesome. Let me explain. Recently He gave me the opportunity to talk about the gospel to my fellow teachers at Ban Noy. They invited me to a Buddhist religious festival next Saturday because the children would be performing. This spurred an opportunity to tell them about Jesus and what I believe as a Christian. In all honesty, I'm sure I didn't do a good job with my very limited Thai. However, I was able to tell them that God is our creator, and that He sent His only son to die for us. I explained that Jesus (being fully God) came on this earth to suffer in the place of us because He loved us. I told them that Christians don't believe in reincarnation, and that Christians do not do good to receive merit, but do good because Christ had changed us. I'll go to this festival, but I told them that in all respect, I could not bow to an idol because Christians only have one God. It does get quite complicated because when you give food to a monk, you receive blessing from them (merit). I explained that Christians can give food to monks because, well.. monks need to eat, but we don't give food to receive their blessings. Ok because of all this complication I think its best to just observe and not give food or anything to the Monks at all. Because I cannot possibly explain to every Buddhist that I am subjectively not participating in their ritual with the same motives they are.

I'm going off tangent from my original point. So, God has been giving me opportunities to share the love of Christ not only through the schools but through food. I realized that food is really a great way to create relationships. For example, two days ago I made some deng jang chee geh for college student's at Ban Joy church and they really enjoyed it. Also, Teachers at Ban Noy heard that I made korean food for Ahjan Yawalak, so they asked me to cook for them next week! Also, the older gentleman from America I mentioned before (and is no longer a believer) said he is happy to open his house and allow me to cook for him and his family. The only problem is that I'm out of dang jang, so I was wondering if someone would be able to send some over? umm.. I'm not so comfortable in asking, but if by chance some of you have some or can send some it would be really appreciated. And this may be pushing it, but I also want to learn how to make Kimchee from missionary Song (Pastor Daniel's wife) because many Thai people want to learn how, so can someone send some kochu kalu (Diced/dried peppers)? Lastly, red pepper paste.

Ok, three things in a nut shell 1)dang jang
2) kochu kalu (diced/dried peppers)
3) red hot pepper paste (kochu jang)

I don't need much just enough to cook with a few times. Thanks

Lastly, God is good and I love you guys and miss you guys and I want to see you guys on oovoo.

:) Love,

Friday, September 18, 2009

my date with God

Hello everyone! I just wanted to encourage you guys with something that God has taught me recently. My good friend told me once that she would sometimes have these dates with God, and so I decided to have one with my loving Lord.

(best date ever :) heheh )

1) I was challenged with a verse from John 12 (becky I'm still reading with you) v 43. "For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God."

The verse is about the authorities that really did believe in Jesus but they didn't want to confess that he was the Christ because they were scared to be kicked out of the synagogues by the pharisees.

This verse challenged me to reevaluate my heart and to question if I value praise or glory from people rather than the glory that comes from God. Getting kicked out of the synagogue would be the equivalent of being kicked out of my church and losing most of my social life, so the question is do we choose the glory from God or from man.

Here in Thailand I can easily trick myself into believing that I have to "do" or work well in the eyes of the world to be validated or looked at as being hard working or successful. I am learning that the praise from man is worth nothing, however that does not mean I should not work and start slacking.

Here is the reason why God asks me to "do" anything: Jesus's Love

Ch 13 John

v 1"when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the father, Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end."
- So, he then washed his disciples feet.

Even though I read this countless times, it really hit me again. Jesus loved, he served, he gave when he didn't have to. He really really really loved, enough to wash Judas's feet.

Jesus loved when he cried for Lazarus even before raising him up from the dead. I was always so puzzled about that, why would he cry when moments later he would raise him up? But Jesus cried because he loved Lazarus, Mary, everyone! (I looked up the reasons why he cried online and it gave me some other reasons but I would like to focus on this one)

Point being:
We serve as Christians because we are/were loved to the point of death.


Dinner at Ahjan Yawalak's house was amazing. I ate dinner with her mother, brother, sister in law, and her aunt. Before I even ate, she asked me if I would like to pray, so I did out loud. They loved loved dang jang chee geh, it was a big hit! (I'm out of dang jang though).

Please continue to pray for her and her family, so that they may receive Christ.

Also, there will be a trip to the night safari on the 27th with the children from our house church and some other children from around the area. Please pray for safety, and for the planting of many seeds.

Ok I just want to tell everyone that I'm praying for you really really as best as I can (Crossway, the missions team, college group, women's group, family, friends, and those in the east coast). I want to encourage you guys to keep serving and living for God in the ways that he provides. You guys are all encouraging to me and a blessing in my life, although I'm not there with you physically. I love you guys!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


- I know you will be the best secret service man EVER!

- Update:
Things have been going so well these days. God has been challenging me with the idea that suffering is a part of being a Christian. I have been challenged immensely to consider my life as nothing and temporary, and to try and focus on the eternal.


This past week has been really great in all of the schools. I taught the children about the story of the Samaritan man, and I have been giving the children bible verses like "love your neighbor as yourself."

Today I will go to Ahjan Yawalak's house to cook korean food (dang gang chee geh) for her and her family.

Please pray for the conversion of Ahjan Yawalak, her mother, her brother, and her sister in-law.

Lastly, I met a man in his 60's who is from America. He lives with a Thai family, but has moved here permanently since 2008. He went to school for social work, and then studied theology and became a Catholic Pastor. Now he is here as a Buddhist. Please pray that God allows opportunities for him to know the Gospel in his heart.

Acts 11:14 "He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved."
- please pray that Ahjan Yawalak and her whole household would be saved

I love you guys,


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One of those days

Today, I relearned why I should praise God.

It was one of those days where nothing seems to go right and small and insignificant things (like the weather, ants, or getting lost) gets to you. It was odd because I'm normally never really sad, and although nothing tragic happened, I somehow had a rough day.

Today, Game, for some reason or another, was extremely moody and didn't want to learn guitar at the end of the day. Plus, Ahjan Yawalak wasn't there so I had to explain the lesson by myself. I realized I must learn Thai.. Then, one of the 6th grade boys wanted to fight another boy, so by the end of the day I was tired. The day proceeded with eating lunch by myself, then encountering a bunch of ants in my purse, and getting lost on the road.

Later, I was talking to my brother and in my journal I wrote, " I miss my family so much it hurts, their warm embrace their encouraging words, and the smiles of familiar faces."

Ok so that's all the, "sorry for me," stuff. Now let me tell you how great God is.

As I was reading the bible God said, "Grace do you remember that I grant you and hold every heartbeat in my hands?"

So I started thinking, whats a few ants, hot days, and unruly children compared to His Glory being fulfilled!

Mission is full of smiles, but sometimes there's loneliness too. I was debating whether to blog about how I feel (normally I don't do that) but I realized that you (the people back at home) should be apart of my battle in Thailand.

God reminded me "But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me." Psalms Ch 49:15.

My problem is this: I focus only on the temporary. Physical conditions, missing friends family (which is not wrong), but I forget the infinite.

I then placed my sin in front of God, along with all my worries. Praise God, for he is sovereign.

In Psalms 50, God tells his people that their scarifies is not what he desires, for he made those things. Instead: v14 "offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and perform your vows to the most high." V15" and call upon me in the day of trouble; and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me."

Why do I forget all the seconds God serves me? Every breath and heartbeat He graciously gives. If I (and I will) complain of my physical state again, I pray God will quickly remindes me who He is.

I will end in this verse. Psalms Ch 51:16
"for you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be please with a burnt offering..."
v: 17"The scarifies of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise."

Edit* to clarify:

My days in Thailand are not full of struggles. Believe me, I was sad for only like 2 hours. These small dips "spiritual attacks," only happen because Satan has a way using anything to bring the focus to yourself instead of the greatness of God. God granted me a clear and true perspective of the day. Now as my day is ending I realized that today was actually a great day. School wasn't bad at all and I ended the day with dinner with loving friends from Ban Joy. As I read my blog, though the feelings were real, I sort of chuckle because there was really nothing to be sad about. Thailand is amazing and the people are amazing! Every teacher I meet tells me to call them Mom or Dad, and goes out of their way to make me feel like apart of their family. So, what I'm trying to say it was just one of those days I learned how faithful and loving my God is :)

OK I have to sleep. I love you guys! Jing Jing (in Thai)

Monday, September 7, 2009

my address!

204/39 San kamphaeng Parkville Village, Moo. 9,
Tambon San Kamphaeng, Amphoe San Kamphaeng, Chiang Mai, 50130

204/39 หมู่บ้านสันกำแพงปาร์ควิลล์ เฟส 3 หมู่ 9 ต.สันกำแพง อ. สันกำแพง
จ. เชียงใหม่ 50130 Thailand

Thursday, September 3, 2009

to the team

I read a book to the kids today called Little and Big. The book is about David and Goliath and when the kids saw David they yelled "kruu Angie," and then "Kruu G," when they saw a picture of Goliath. That made me laugh and miss you guys. I hope all of you are encouraged by the fact that the kids miss you and still remember your names :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's been a while

( I'm going to treat these like e-mails)
Hello everyone!!!! I just want to apologize for not blogging! I know I'm bad, so from now on I will really try to get on it. Oh, and if I don't you can start sending warning (not hate mail :) ) e-mails my way.

Today was my first day teaching alone at a school. To be honest I had many doubts about my ability to teach or let alone control the class. Donna and the Thailand team did such a great job that I figured coming alone to the schools would be a downgrade for the kids. But, God has been faithful thus far, so I just placed my worries at His feet. It's funny how the simple act of laying something down in front of Jesus or letting things go is really the answer to all life's "what ifs."
Anyway, today went really really great. I took a guitar today and played It's a great thing, words go like this : It's a great thing to praise the Lord (3x) walking in the light of the Lord. It's like a game/song and the kids loved it. However, there's a boy named Game (Donna the moody but smart one) that never wants to participate and he didn't sing let alone smile during the whole class. Game is extremely good at English, he's phenomenal for his age, but he has emotional issues. Ahjan Yawalak ( the English teacher at Kantanusoon) told me that he got into an accident in 2nd grade and completely changed for the worse. She also told me that his parents were divorced and that he lived with his alcoholic father. Oddly, I felt God telling me that Game would like to learn guitar. Ahjan Yawalak thought it was a great idea and sent him over. Game walked in with that gangster/frowning face of his and Ahjan Yawalak told him if he wanted to learn the guitar from me, and ( I wish you guys were there) his face just lit up. I taught him E, Em, and A2 for only 5-10 minutes and I really think he's a natural.

I don't know if the team remembers Big (Donna, he's the boy in 6th grade that is good at English too) but Ahjan Yawalak told me that he was a problem child, but she invested her time and love into him and now he is seriously like an angel. He has such a passion to learn and is truly like a gentleman. I pray that the same thing would happen to Game, that he would one day praise God and live with joy.

Lastly, I was encouraged by the 6th grade class because they stayed in for a good 20 minutes through their lunch time finishing up a worksheet and working on their phonics even when I told them to Bye kin cow (go eat lunch)!. Then, while I was teaching a student, the rest of the kids turn on our VBS songs and started to sing Nothing and Treasure quest! Crossway team, it looks like you guys made a lasting impression :) Seriously they did all the body worship by themselves as I sat and watched. I just thank God every day that He has led me to Thailand. It's a blessing to be able to sing praise songs with the kids and create relationships with the teachers.

Also, God has been allowing me to experience different ministries and age groups on this trip. Last week I was able to spend a lot of time with Ban Joy students and staff (The Grace Fellowship church near Chiang Mai University). Also, today I will go to YFC (Youth for Christ) and have fellowship with college aged brothers and sisters.

Oh and yesterday I went to CTS and learned about Romans, I love the book but Yak mak mak ka!

Ok I love you guys and miss you guys like crazy!!!!! you don't even know.

Prayer requests:
1) Ahjan Yawalak- I will be learning Thai from her, please pray she will accept the gospel
2) Game
3) James and Boy (monks at the temple)
4) for the ministries in Sankampaeng, Hang Dong, and Chiang Mai

Monday, July 6, 2009

happy july 4th

Hello everyone!!! I hope everyone had a fantastic Independence day! Things have been going so well over here and I have just been learning so much from God and the people around me, so thank you guys for your prayers.

Friday night we had bible study with the kids and on Saturday Donna and I learned how to drive stick! We practiced at Ban Sankamphaeng (a secondary school) and while we took turns we prayer walked around the campus. The campus was so beautiful, with a view of a lake from the cafeteria benches. Although it was beautiful the school still had idols in the front of the schools for children to bow down to before going to class. Although we may not be able to teach at that particular school (it seems that the school receives foreign teachers through a company and has a full amount of foreigners) our prayer is that God reveal the truth to these children. They have been taught lies, believing in spirits and merits for the ultimate future of nonexistence. So what we can do is pray for them to find God's purpose for their lives.

Also on saturday we learned some Thai and passed out treks at a shopping street called "walking street," which closes down the street every Saturday for vendors.

On Sunday we had our usual service, and then we went to a hospital to pray for a women from our Friday night bible study. She broke her arm from a moped accident, but she has no other injuries and is healing well.
After that we taught English at the Buddhist temple for the first time. 22 children showed up for class! Praise God! It went so well and all the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. We sang "shake a friends hand," and it was a joy to hear the ringing of children singing Hallelujah within the temple grounds. Our goal is to slowly plant the love of Jesus and ask questions about who they think made us and the nature around us. Its heart breaking to think that really the only difference between these children and us is the fact that they not taught the truth. Bowing down to idols that cannot speak.

Personally: I have been really trying to get in God word but the more i study and read the more i realize that Im a sinner, undeserving of a savior. So hopefully I can learn to delight in Jesus daily and to "Live to hilt every situation you (I) believe to be the will of God"- Jim Elliot.

Pray requests:
1) This Thursday and Friday Donna and I will be teaching at Ban Noy school (translated as Temple school, but it no longer in a temple). We will be teaching from 8:30 to 11:30, but we dont know how many classes, the number of kids, or the grade levels we will be teaching. Its kind of like going and being flexible, so hopefully things will go well.
2) friday night services at Na Et's house (around 5-6 kids, 3-6 adults)
3) Sunday services (10-15 children)
4) Sunday at Buddhist temple (22 kids)

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support, honestly you guys are like the prayer warriors for Christ and I'm so thankful!!!!

I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Donna and I are learning how to drive stick on the other side of the road, please pray for us :)

p.s. if you have prayer requests can you please e-mail me? I'm praying for Crossway but whenever you guys have prayer requests, e-mail me via facebook or


Update, please pray for schools

Friday service went great! Last week we had 3 children come, and the number doubled to 6, praise God! We played bingo but the genius I am forgot to make the bingo cards different so everyone won... :) its ok Mie pen rai Ka (means its ok, let it go) we ended up playing duck duck goose which they LOVE. Plus, I made different bingo cards for english class on sunday for the older kids and it went a lot better. Oh and we went to the Buddhist temple for orientation on sunday and we will be teaching english for an hour from 3 30 to 4 30 every sunday, in a literal temple! God is amazing!

Some of the kids that go to our sunday service also go to the temple ( we saw some of our kids there that afternoon), so that gives you an idea lack of strength Christianity has here. Basically the kids come on sunday because we teach english, but hopefully they will one day believe and accept the truth of the gospel.

Im learning more about the thai culture and their buddhist beliefs. Their Buddhist culture has changed drastically! Thailand was once known as one of the most pure forms of Buddhist religion, however now they are changing to more of a Korean type of buddhism where they also believe and fear ghosts. So, Thai Buddhists choose to believe in anything that would benefit them, so some Thai's will go to church and the temple, a win win situation for them. So, please pray for a true change in the children we teach on sundays.

Plus, DONNA IS HERE!!!! yay, Im so happy :) We visited three schools yesterday and received permission to teach in two of them. WE are still praying for the Ban Sankampieng school, which would be a strategic location to teach at for when we bring our team in a month or so. Please pray for that, we will be meeting with the new principle next week. Oh and Donna and I will be officially teaching at a public school on thursday and friday of next week! Please pray for us!

We miss you guys so much!!!!!!! I love you i love you :)


Monday, June 22, 2009


Praise God for a great sunday service! We sang mercy is falling in thai and english and played the numbers game. After service we went to the Buddhist temple and received the ok to teach there every sunday! Its really amazing because they know we're Christians but want us to teach because we can speak english. Praise God! We are still praying that God will open doors for the two other schools.
Yesterday (monday) I went to the once a year CTS outing at the queen's garden. It isnt really the queen's garden but its a non-profit park funded by the queen. It was so beautiful, and we played human Foosball, it was lots of fun.
OH and Pi Mam is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) IM so happy :)

I love everyone bye!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

prayer requests

1) please pray for tomorrows sunday service (Thailand is a day ahead). It would be the first service and it will be held in my new home.

2) I got accepted to teach at one small public school of about 100 children, please pray that I may be able to teach english and create connections to spread the gospel. (I have no idea how to teach kids without a translator, please pray that God will give me courage and ideas on games and teaching methods)

3) There are two more public schools we want to teach at with around 2 thousand students. Theses schools are well known so it would be great if Donna and I can teach there.

4) Tomorrow Pastor Daniel and I will go to the Buddhist temple to discuss the teaching situation. If everything goes well I will be able to teach the students on sundays after our home service, and hopefully God can change the heart of the Buddhists.

5) please pray for Up and Mem. Please pray for their marriage and that my living here would be more of a blessing than a burden.

6) Tonight we met our neighbor who is a women from Burma. Her English is really difficult to understand but from what I can tell she told us he got a severe skin irritation from chemicals due to cleaning. We prayer for her and asked her to come to church tomorrow. We told her that Jesus can heal more than her wound.

7) My Thai... what can I say.. I need divine intervention. ( they tell me that Thai kids won't listen if they don't understand)

what i learned today:
-I realized that everything the people around me do here is to further God's kingdom and to bring glory to Him. It is truly inspiring.

-its good to be flexible, half of the time I have no idea whats next.


First week in Thailand

SawadeeKA! I just wanted a place where I can update my life here in Thailand so you guys can pray for me :)

So the first two days I was basically adjusting to the weather and the time, yes it is very hot. But, when it rains the weather does cool down but you're still sticky :$. But I love Thailand, actually I live in the country by rice patties, its extremely beautiful but it comes with the price of lizards and insects.

A two days ago, I met Dr. Henry, a man from the states who has been a missionary in Thailand for 45 years. THe thai couple i stay with ( Up and Mem) said that if you don't know who Dr. Henry is in Thailand, you arn't a christian, so im happy to have met him :) He is 77 and plans to visit the state for four months and return to thailand to die here, I mean he literally sacrificed his whole life for the gospel and never married. He is fluent in Thai and actually offered me a christian book in Korean, little does he know it would take me 6 months to get through the first page.

The couple I live with is Pi Up and Pi Mem (Pi is used for anyone old enough to be an aunt/uncle or sister/brother). They have been married for a year and are both 27 years old. They are the sweetest and kindest people and I am so blessed to be living with them. Up is still a student at CTS ( the seminary school Pastor Daniel is in charge of) and Mem is a secretary there.

This year is a year of firsts for Up, Mem, and me. This is the first church plant in Sankhampaeng, the first time Up and Mem ever hosted a foreigner, the first time i'll teach without interpreters, the first cell group meetings in this area, and the first time Buddhist monks asked the christians here to teach english! exciting!

Yesterday was our first cell group meeting, and we gathered at Add's house ( a local grandmother) with a few of the people from the area. Add had been feeling as though she was slipping away from her faith and had asked Pastor Daniel to lead weekly meetings. Add's husband is not Christian, so as we walked in the house there was a spirit house outside and pictures and idols around the house. Honestly, the night went so great as we sang songs and heard the word of God. Then, we separated the children and the adults and I was in charge of teaching english to the children. I guess if i could look back i would want to remember the children dancing and singing to the whole song, "nobody," by the korean sensation Wonder Girls with the exact motions (will post up the video when i learn how). The second would be when a girl asked me if Jesus died, and I said yes and told them he then rose from the dead. The children were mortified, and honestly looked terrified! I felt so bad! Its because thai people really have a fear about ghosts, Mem had to fix the situation by saying that it was ok because Jesus is God.
ok ill post more later i have to go